Bouquet Party
Bouquet Parties are a great way to spend some quality time with family, friends, or co-workers. Together, you will put together a beautiful bouquet of our fresh flowers to take home.
The cost is $40.00 per person (minimum of 5 people). We will supply buckets of fresh flowers, clear glass vases, flower food, shears and rubber bands. Each guest can choose 3 of our specialty flowers (examples include zinnias, sunflowers, dahlias, etc.) Filler and foliage will be unlimited until gone. Pending availability, we may bring extra specialty flowers for purchase.
You provide a space, table, and your guests. We will stay for the bouquet making to help and answer questions.
You can schedule the party by email, messenger, or phone.
No refunds available. Parties offered within 10 miles of Streator. Maximum distance is 30 miles from Streator. Parties held between 10-30 miles away will be charged a $20 travel fee.
Bouquet Parties are a great way to spend some quality time with family, friends, or co-workers. Together, you will put together a beautiful bouquet of our fresh flowers to take home.
The cost is $40.00 per person (minimum of 5 people). We will supply buckets of fresh flowers, clear glass vases, flower food, shears and rubber bands. Each guest can choose 3 of our specialty flowers (examples include zinnias, sunflowers, dahlias, etc.) Filler and foliage will be unlimited until gone. Pending availability, we may bring extra specialty flowers for purchase.
You provide a space, table, and your guests. We will stay for the bouquet making to help and answer questions.
You can schedule the party by email, messenger, or phone.
No refunds available. Parties offered within 10 miles of Streator. Maximum distance is 30 miles from Streator. Parties held between 10-30 miles away will be charged a $20 travel fee.
Bouquet Parties are a great way to spend some quality time with family, friends, or co-workers. Together, you will put together a beautiful bouquet of our fresh flowers to take home.
The cost is $40.00 per person (minimum of 5 people). We will supply buckets of fresh flowers, clear glass vases, flower food, shears and rubber bands. Each guest can choose 3 of our specialty flowers (examples include zinnias, sunflowers, dahlias, etc.) Filler and foliage will be unlimited until gone. Pending availability, we may bring extra specialty flowers for purchase.
You provide a space, table, and your guests. We will stay for the bouquet making to help and answer questions.
You can schedule the party by email, messenger, or phone.
No refunds available. Parties offered within 10 miles of Streator. Maximum distance is 30 miles from Streator. Parties held between 10-30 miles away will be charged a $20 travel fee.